In ten easy steps:
- Purchase an ‘R’ rated movie from the iTunes music store.
- Pause movie during particularly noisy sex scene, preferably one involving farm animals.
- Turn off phone.
- Go to important meeting with your entire staff, including boss.
- Turn off ringer using mute switch and put phone to sleep.
- Think you’re safe.
- Innocently pull out headphones from jack, momentarily shorting out badly designed mechanism in jack used to sense the remote play switch.
- Remain blissfully unaware that you’ve just set a chain reaction in motion which will destroy your career.
- Sit in stunned horror a few seconds later as sounds of impure love eminate loudly from your shirtpocket in the middle of your boss’ presentation, despite the silent switch being on.
- Run back to office in tears to polish up resume.
- (Optional.) Write Steve Jobs an angry letter about how good design includes more than just polished metal.
(No, this didn’t happen to me. At least not exactly. It wasn’t a meeting, it was a seminar. And my boss wasn’t there, thankfully. And instead of farm animals, it was far worse: it was emo music.)